i am thia.
i live in a little town a little south of sydney.
i try to photograph, live, love and laugh every single day of my existence.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Oh look at that, two entries in a row! A new record hahah

Well, my iPhoto decided to work! and I found this one photo that I haven't showed that many people. My mother said it wasn't a good photo of me, well.. it's not meant to!

I took this photo one night when I was having a photography "dry spell" It's the worst feeling especially if there is nothing to photograph. This photograph was meant to be about the "materialistic" world. It was meant to have me standing on a pile of shoes etc.. but I couldn't at the time access my collection of shoes as it was locked away :( So instead, I created an image of how I would feel when all that's important to me is gone (inclusive of my shoes..) I call this,


It was so difficult as it was my first self portrait and non-natural light photography; to position the camera, get the light to hit where I wanted it to, get the correct facial expression etc. etc. One thing's for sure, I think I'm much better behind the camera than in front :)



  1. You has a great blog. I'm just blog walking, and very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.

    Lets keep writing and blogging

    Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

    1. Ah, thank you :) It's nice of you to stop by, more to come!!


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