i am thia.
i live in a little town a little south of sydney.
i try to photograph, live, love and laugh every single day of my existence.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Sweetest Thing

For our 8 months anniversary, Matt gave me a stack of letters for everyday of the week. It was his ultimate anniversary week! with our 13 month coming just around the corner, I thought this post would be quite appropriate.

On each letter, he had written the activity of the day. He would pick me up or meet me somewhere and we would do stuff for the rest of the day. I recall that week, on a Tuesday, I woke up excited at the thought of ripping open the envelope.

After breakfast, it was revealed that the day's activity would be a photo day! If you have read my blog, I love photography. I am not saying I am any good at it, but I sure as hell am passionate. That morning, I got ready for what was to be one of the most memorable day I've ever had with Matt.

It was of course self photographed and it made the experience a million times more special as we both had to run back and forth to set off the timer and pose in under 10 seconds. Here is our little collection of photos:

I like a man with a camera :P

Sneak Photo!

This was one of the most challenging photo to take! I had to do the back and forth running because Matt was positioned high up and he looked good there :) It took 50 takes before we got it right and that was after about 10 falls and 15 misses! Not to mention.. it was the first time I climbed a tree!

Hope you liked them! It was such a wonderful experience and we have been talking about doing more self-photography, with crazy concepts! So, look out for those!! :)



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