i am thia.
i live in a little town a little south of sydney.
i try to photograph, live, love and laugh every single day of my existence.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

I'm the Tale Thief

First thing you should know about me is that I'm a juggler. I'm one of those people that likes a lot of things and wants to do a lot of things but lack the time. The majority of my time is split between work, university and attempting to salvage what is left of my social life. On top of that, I need to keep feeding my addiction of food, fashion, fitness and fotography.

In saying that I'm a juggler, I don't mean that I'm a good one. I tend to procrastinate, a lot... I am doing it right now. I should really be doing my control mechanism assignment but who wants to be reading up theories on valsalva manoeuvres when I could be looking up my next inspiration for my photography. I'm a huge fan of Tim Walker who just loves to belittle people.... (you'll know what I mean). Here are two of my favourites:

Illustration Tim Walker

What else to say... I obsess over little things and I am a bit of a perfectionist. I stayed up till' 3 in the AM yesterday perfecting the banner for "House of the Tale Thief" only to find that I had no idea how to get it to sit in the middle of the page. Does anyone?? Please e-mail me if you do.. I am trying to get the hang of this whole blogging thing. 

I learnt last night as I was slowly falling asleep that if I don't let things go, nothing will get done so here I am posting my very first blog with my eye slightly twitching at the imperfection of the blog. At least it's my imperfections and mine only. One that I hope to fix soon but will love for now. 

I hope that my blog will inspire people. In what way? We shall see together. I can't predict the future but I have great hopes for it.



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